Archive for April 9th, 2005


For those who have propreity images on their website and want to safegaurd(atleast to some extent) from surfers who just right-click and save or go through the source, find the src and save it, I have a partial solution!

click here for an example!

The solution is to load the image inside a flash object. But then its impossible to make one flash each for every image. So, I made a Flash which can

  • dynamically load Images
  • show the percentage downloaded with a bar
  • dynamically copyright messages or add captions
Here is how to go about it. Download the FlashImg scripts from here.
  1. Unzip the archive. You should find
    • flashimg.php - the php class file
    • images.php - images definition file
    • flashimg.swf - the flash file for loading the images
    • index.php - example file
  2. Edit the images.php file. Will look like this
    $img = new ih2hFlashImg;
    //instantiate the class
    $img ->copyRight("© sandosh");
    //Assign default copyright message
    //parameters in order -> name, src, width, height, alt(to override copyright msg)
  3. Include this file in your pages and use
    to display the flashimg, where parameter is the image name.
  4. All done!

Feel free to use this code and also if possible do drop in a line on which site you are using it.

Enjoy! :)

Published in: Articles Edit || on April 9th, 2005 | 72 Comments »